| MGM Shop Security Systems

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In short 'EAS', primarily consists of rather big devices called antennas usually placed vertically right in front or eighter in the door frame.

EAS antennas have two major divergent technologies called as Acusto Magnetic (AM) or Radio Frequency (RF). We, MGM EAS Systems, have long lasting experience of producing, supervising and engineering of these devices using both technologies.

Our own production of antennas get to called after bird names and to make it eaiser you to understand the consept, let's look it through;

For a convenient look, our transparent antenna systems are a big hit amongst corporate companies. Hence, the production rate is much higher for transparent antennas in our company. In AM systems "Kırlangıç (Swallow)", in RF systems "Kuğu (Swan)" are our admiral antenna systems. At street stores having heavily congested pedestrian traffic or having a high risk of damaging the antennas with shopping trolleyes, we suggest aluminium profile antennas that cost less and endure tough comparing to transparent ones; "Martı (Seagull), Ultra Martı, Ultra Pelikan (Pelican), Keklik (Partridge) and Doğan (Falcon)" series. As being more convenient chocies; "Atmaca (Hawk)" in RF systems and "Ardıç (Juniper)" in AM systems are at your disposal, too. These antennas are made of plastic component and as well as being eyecandies they serve your budget nicely.

We do, however, have higher-end class embedded antenna systems called as "Paspas (Doormat)" and "Anka (Phoneix)" that uses only AM technology. These products can be reviewed under the article of "A Voyage to Absolute Invisibility" in our catalogs. Some international high-end class costumers who does not like the idea of using visible antennas have been choosing them for their stores. We, MGM, are the only licit producer of these systems.

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