| MGM Shop Security Systems

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All the employers want to know how many potential costumers stepped in. In order to estimate the number, people counting systems are invented. They come in connection types as cabled, wireless or with steoscobic camera asisted. They all are our own production except for the camera asisted one and you can check this product on company's own web site http://www.pfm-intelligence.com/

They are from Netherlands and our solution assosiate. This system is far more the best system had been ever made.

Cabled ones are our own production, our engineers and workers' own sweat. They can provide monthly, weekly, daily and hourly reports on demand. They can be accessed over internet connection from remote client.

Wireless ones are to be accessed only from local computer and provides the same reports, too.

One of the wireless devices called "Serçe (Sparrow)" is one of the easiest to install products ever made. It shows the data on the device via tiny screen embedded.

Ceiling type counter is also wireless but it has one more capability; it shows in and out traffic seperately.